Call for Awards Nominations

The KCHP Foundation and Members of the KCHP Board are proud to celebrate outstanding efforts and innovation in  health-system pharmacy.  

Now accepting award nominations for the KCHP/MSHP Annual Meeting April 25-26, 2025.

Click here to see pictures for awards from previous years.

Legacy Award

The KCHP Legacy Award is given annually by the KCHP Foundation. The KCHP Legacy Award will be presented in recognition of sustained contribution in multiple areas:

  •  Outstanding accomplishment in practice in health system pharmacy;
  •  Outstanding poster or presentation at a state or national meeting;
  •  Publication in a nationally recognized pharmacy or medical journal;
  •  Demonstrated activity with pharmacy students;
  •  Development of an innovative service in a health system pharmacy in either education, administration, clinical service, or distribution;
  •  Contributions to the profession through service to ASHP, KCHP and/or local affiliates.
Award Requirements

Your letter of nomination, should include:

  1.  Name, work address, and telephone number of nominee;
  2.  Name, work address, and telephone number of nominator;
  3.  Sufficient explanation and documentation of the nominee's accomplishment(s) to allow a proper decision by the selection committee; and Curriculum Vitae of the Nominee.

To be considered for the Legacy Award, the nominee must be a current active member of the Kansas Council of Health-System Pharmacists.

Recent Winners

  • 2024 - Joe Slechta
  • 2021 -  GregORY Burger, PharmD, CPPS, FASHP, EMT
  • 2020 - Linda Radke, PharmD, FASHP
  • 2019 – Michael A. Oszko
  • 2018 – Amber Lucas
  • 2017 – Jeff Thompson

Volunteer of the Year

2017 Volunteer of the Year - Gregory Burger

The KCHP Volunteer of the Year award will be given annually by KCHP. The nominee must be a KCHP member and have made significant contributions to KCHP, the profession, or another non-industry organization Nominees' contributions may include:

  • Initiative displayed in the involvement, planning and/or execution of an event or program.
  • Sustained commitment to the organization and the activity to which the nominee is involved.
  • Impact shown from the efforts the nominee has taken towards the progress or result of an organization activity.
  • Innovative approach to the completion of the nominees' volunteer duties.

Emerging Leader Award

The KCHP Emerging Leader Award will be given annually by the KCHP Foundation. The nominee must be a KCHP member who has five years or less of professional pharmacy practice. The nominee should show exceptional promise of leadership and contribution to the Association and profession. 

Nominees' contributions may include:

  • Outstanding work and professional activities on behalf of KCHP
  • Develop notable innovations on the job
  • Actively participate in KCHP Committees, events or other programs
  • Promote the visibility of KCHP and/or the value of membership, education and networking gained through membership

Health-System Pharmacist of the Year

The KCHP Health-System Pharmacist of the Year Award is given annually by the KCHP Foundation. The nominee must be a KCHP member and meet the following criteria: an individual of high moral character, good citizenship and high professional ideals, who has made significant contributions affecting the practice of health-system pharmacy throughout the state. These contributions shall have been in the form of sustained exemplary service in health-system pharmacy, or a single outstanding achievement, or a combination of accomplishments benefiting health-system pharmacy, and through it, humanity and the public health.

They may include accomplishments, achievements or outstanding performance in:

  • health-system pharmacy practice,
  • health-system pharmacy education,
  • health-system pharmacy administration,
  • pharmaceutical research or development related to health-system pharmacy,
  • pharmacy organizational activity with a definite relationship to health-system pharmacy,
  • scientific or professional pharmaceutical writing, e.g., noteworthy articles on pharmaceutical subjects with applicability to health-system pharmacy,
  • pharmaceutical journalism related to health-system pharmacy,
  • public and/or inter-professional relations activities benefiting health-system pharmacy,
  • pharmaceutical law or legislation, professional regulations, standards of professional conduct or pharmacy law enforcement as related to health-system pharmacy practice.

Health-System Technician of the Year

The KCHP Health-System Technician of the Year Award is given annually by the KCHP Foundation. The nominee must be a KCHP member and meet the following criteria: an individual of high moral character, good citizenship and high professional ideals, who has made significant contributions to the practice of pharmacy technicians in the state of Kansas. These contributions shall have been in the form of sustained exemplary service in health-system pharmacy, or a single outstanding achievement, or a combination of accomplishments benefiting health-system pharmacy, and through it, humanity and the public health.

They may include accomplishments, achievements or outstanding performance in:

  • health-system pharmacy practice,
  • health-system pharmacy education,
  • health-system pharmacy administration,
  • pharmacy organizational activity with a definite relationship to health-system pharmacy,
  • scientific or professional pharmaceutical writing, e.g., noteworthy articles on pharmaceutical subjects with applicability to health-system pharmacy,
  • pharmaceutical journalism related to health-system pharmacy,
  • public and/or inter-professional relations activities benefiting health-system pharmacy,
  • pharmaceutical law or legislation, professional regulations, standards of professional conduct or pharmacy law enforcement as related to health-system pharmacy practice.

Health-System Student of the Year

The KCHP Health-System Student of the Year Award is given annually by the KCHP Foundation. The nominee must be a KCHP member and meet the following criteria: an individual of high moral character, good citizenship and high professional ideals, who has contributed to health-system pharmacy. Contributions may include service, achievement or performance in:

  • health-system pharmacy practice,
  • health-system pharmacy education,
  • pharmacy organizational activity with a definite relationship to health-system pharmacy, (i.e. KU Student Society of Health-System Pharmacy chapter).

Innovation Award of the Year

The KCHP Health-System Innovation Award is given annually by the KCHP Foundation. It is designated to recognize the demonstration of a program or process that improves patient care, services, or utilization of resources. Projects can be in a health system, inpatient, or ambulatory care pharmacy setting. Submissions may include improvements in either clinical or operational pharmacy practice activities. Individuals and health systems are eligible for the award. KCHP strives to share innovative pharmacy practices that demonstrate improvement in patient care or pharmacy processes. Apply here.

Copyright 2023, Kansas Council of Health-System Pharmacy (KCHP)
Kansas Council of Health-System Pharmacy is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 
Phone: (785) 234-5563 | Email: 
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